Most tourists visiting Morocco cannot help but be in awe of Morocco’s culinary dexterity and the varied cuisines. From the delicious Kefta tagines, to the Zaalouk, the meaty brochettes, Harira, steaming piles of Seksu’ (couscous), and other great dishes to savor in the region.

Locally grown and fresh ingredients are generally used in Moroccan cuisine with an array of spices to give the dishes rich and plenty flavor. In Morocco, bread is a staple, Moroccans love their bread!

For foodies and culture lovers looking to recreate exquisite Moroccan cuisine when they go back home there are several restaurants and riads that provide teaching classes. If you are planning to visit Morocco we can take you to the best cooking classes where you can learn how to cook popular Moroccan dishes and be able to recreate then when you go back home.

With the help of the expert local cook we will provide for you, you will be able to master the fundamentals of unique Moroccan cuisine which is a mix of Mediterranean, Andalusian, Central Europe (France) and Amazigh cuisines, and by the end of the cooking classes you’ll learn the exotic spices and ingredients used and be able to prepare various Moroccan specialties by yourself.

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